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Holmer Lake Primary School

Holmer Lake Primary School

Board of Governors’ Annual Report

Autumn 2024


Who are we and what are our strengths?

The governing body at Holmer Lake was reconstituted in 2020 and since then we have worked very hard to recruit new governors with the skills that are required to ensure that we can meet every aspect of the role. The tasks which we now all complete each term match the compatible skill set of each board member. 

What are our core functions?

  • Delivering clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding leaders to account for the school’s educational performance and the quality of education.
  • Overseeing financial performance. 
  • Statutory Responsibilities Under the Equality Act 2010. 
  • Statutory Responsibilities in relation to the Prevent Duty and Safeguarding.



How do we ensure we achieve these goals?

The Chair meets with the Headteacher on a regular basis to ensure that we have a thorough understanding of the ongoing developments, strengths and weaknesses of the school. In addition, the Chair, Vice Chair, Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead meet on a regular basis to understand the ongoing developments in safeguarding. 

The Headteacher’s performance management is undertaken 3 times per year and targets set and reviewed in line with the School Development Plan (SDP).

All progress is tracked each term by governors and concerns are addressed through the School Development Plan, which governors participate in writing.

High expectations are evident throughout school as a result of governors holding all teachers and leaders to account through their visits and strategic role.

Governors meet with Senior Leaders on a termly basis to hold them to account with regard to their impact on the work of the school.

Governors regularly check on the welfare of the staff.

The Chair attends all budget meetings and also works with the School Business Manager to monitor the school budget. The Schools’ Financial Value Standard (SFVS) ensures that our budget is spent wisely and properly, allowing school to optimise resources, and so raise standards and attainment.

Governors, throughout the year, have attended training courses to improve their skills in order to support the development of the school and ensure that we fulfil our role effectively.

Governors are fully involved in the whole school reviews with the Attached Adviser, which addresses:

  • Quality of Education.
  • Behaviour and Attitudes.
  • Personal Development.
  • Leadership and Management. 

Governors are actively involved in staff recruitment to ensure we maintain the highest standards of teaching within the school and fulfil our role in safer recruitment.


On-going and future areas of involvement

The views of our parents, children and all other stakeholders is of great importance to the governors, who will always listen and continue to seek and monitor views through the delivery and analysis of surveys, pupil voice and also through attendance at key events throughout the academic year such as coffee mornings/parents evenings.

The regular meetings between the Headteacher, Chair and Vice Chair will enable the role of critical friend to be met through rigorous challenge and support.

The tasks set for every member of the governing body each term will ensure that monitoring and evaluation remains strong.

The termly evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of the governing body will allow us to monitor our successes as well as those of the school.


Click on the link to view our certificate of audited school fund accounts for 2022-23. 

Click on the link to view our certificate of audited school fund accounts for 2023-24. 






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